Kidsmart Book Publishing

Kidsmart Book Publishing
Great Start !

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Don't Fall In Love With The Title Of Your Book

WE'RE BACK! That's right and we have a new attitude. It's all about change.
     In case you didn't notice, we haven't shared a blog since December 2013, and for good reason. Sometimes you just got to take the time to smell the roses, regroup, and plan your next strategy. All of that minding requires us to rethink our approach to the plan and to also do the work to make it all happen. We did all of the above, and in October 2014, we plan on launching KSBP (s) first children's novel for Middle Grade and Teens titled :

Make Her Sick

Genre: Fiction, Sci-fi-Visionary.  Ages ten and up.
This is the E-book cover and ISBN, and we'll be printing a paperback book.

      If you recall, the last time you saw this cover, the title was "Healing Hands". We thought Healing Hands was a great, uplifting title, and we loved it....and so did thirty or forty other people on Goodreads and in other online book stores. People like massage therapists, psychics, homeopaths...Yogis and holistic healers. This is a work of children's fiction and literature and  believe me, writing it involved a lot of work. So I didn't want anyone to get my book confused with the other thirty or forty get well books out there.
     Good research and good investigating skills and  lessons pay off, don't fall in love with your title or your house, because you just might have to give them up. A Realtor told me that twenty years ago, and he was so-o right.
     Okay, no more shouting. We're happy we're back to talk with you and as soon as Cyrus and Fran and a few other book Reviewers read  "Make Her Sick", we'll put it out there for your readership and approval.
Thanks to everyone on Twitter who sent miss - you emails, and on FB, I missed you too.In August we'll be sending out small excerpts from the book.
 Here's a look at my twelve year old Protagonist- Evie Eversoul. She's learning to fight with her mind not with her fists

Stay In Touch,


KidSmart Books Publishing, is a subsidiary of the KidSmartFdn. Registered (TM) KidSmart, The Children's Workshop/Craftshop,1985-2014. Illustrations by T.G .(P)2002-2011 Copyright(s)2002-2014, GACM, Inc.. Disclosure in accordance with FTC, 16 CFR, part255. All books are obtained for the sole purpose of providing a book review. All Rights Reserved.
