Kidsmart Book Publishing

Kidsmart Book Publishing
Great Start !

Saturday, August 6, 2011


    "THE COMPANION OF LADY HOLMESHIRE,  alas, is a Cozy summer read.and an 
epoch, period-piece, and mystery. No longer my cup of tea... I thought Not.

 I use to be a Baroque Girl, (in high school and college) who found the minuet and woodwinds
   a charming mix. I played the flute back then. I was a romatic book reader- under the
 covers at night with a flashlight (at 10 pm) with my mother's latest novel or my own. I had a
young girls kinda of day dreams of romance and young male chilvalry. So you can imagine my delight.

  I admit it took me way back when and then some when I read this novel. I thoroughly enjoyed the male protagonist Wills Holmeshire's mindset. But the main reason I recommend  "The Companion Of Lady Holmeshire"  are the three characters who combined to drive the story, (Emma, Wills, and Lady Holmeshire). THEY ARE NOT YOUR GARDEN-VARIETY-PERIOD-PIECE -SNOBS. They all have Depth of character, and the ending is a combination of  twists, and turns, you'll enjoy - along with some unexpected surprises. 
  Deborah Brown has mastered  the genre of storytelling of  historical, romanntic, mystery epochs and can spin a yarn right down to the Engish lisp and brogue. Is she our modern day Austen? 
    For those of you who crave romantic intrigue combined with mystery, and humor - in all the right settings for all the right reasons- this is it. Reminds me of Lorna Doone in a non pioneer setting.  
Middle grade teens and tweens will love the romantic nature of  Wills Holmeshire, who speaks openly
and honestly about his true feelings without regret, then sets out to manipulate his world to make them come true.
    Emma Carrington is a humble foundling and ex-sevant raised by a squire named Carrington. She is
thrust into an upper class society that is secretive, and determined to keep her in her place. However, Lady Holmeshire is well seasoned and well versed in  upper crux society and chose Emma wisely, as her companion.. Her calm under pressure is cunning and easy.     
   Wills, is Lady Holmeshire's only child, and  his betrothal to seventeen year old desperately  seeking to get hitched, Genevieve Breyton is amusing. It's an arranged "thingy: engagement, since Wills  was
 age four - and involves money; and family estate contracts, between, Genevieve's father (Breyton)
 and Wills grandfather and uncle. According to Lady Holmeshire, Will's deceased father and she were
totally against the arrangement. That and the fact that Wills is attracted to another makes for an exciting and compelling storyline
   All and all, The Holmeshires are not a family of people pleasers. So, even though he must behave
according to his prearranged life, you get the feeling it can all change. Wills is a strategist at heart, and comfortable with himself, but he lacks insight into Genevieve, his bethrothed, personality. He decides she must be tested and exposed to the realities of life he already knows.
Genre: Victorian Romance, Middle Grade, YA, Adult

*Additional Insights: Most will assume this is a story about Emma, the companion, but its more. It is also about Wills, and removing the blinders so one can see the realities life offers, and  their are back stories
to add to the drama.
*History & Politics of the times: The sweet tooth addiction of the English for chocolates - a luxury and desire that kept the inhumane slave trade alive and thriving.

 is an August Book Of The Month, and a Read and Recommends  by Book Reviewer, Antoinette Mckain.
I read it and I recommend it.

Other Reviews are availabe at websites at and on amazon customer review
A World Castle Publishing,, ISBN 9781937085643. 
 Books can be purchased as ebooks thru, BNB, Goodreads, Amzn. ,  is Deborah Brown's website.

KidSmart Books, is a subsidiary of the KidSmartFdn. Registered (TM) KidSmart, The Children's Workshop/Craftshop, (1985). Illustrations by T.McK.(P) 2002-2011 Copyright(s) 2002-2011, GACM, Inc. Antoinette McKain,cco. Disclosure in accordance with FTC, 16 CFR, part255. All books are obtained for the sole purpose of providing a book review. All Rights Reserved.


  1. Many thanks, Antoinette, for taking the time to read and review my book. I am thrilled with the comparisons you made and the kind recommendation. Though I wrote the book as a historical fiction, I often thought it was one that young people would enjoy, as well as older ones. I can see it as a good book for homeschoolers. I am happy, therefore, to have a review on a blog for young people's books.

  2. Great review. Sounds like a lovely story and one I will have to check out. Thanks for sharing.
    C.K. Volnek

