Kidsmart Book Publishing

Kidsmart Book Publishing
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Monday, May 18, 2015

Fight With Your Mind, Not With Your Fists

  Write the Prose That Makes

 The Whole World Want to Read

    What a refreshing thought, and that's what its going to come down to for the children of the future, as well as the big kids. "Fight With Your Mind, and Not With Your Fists". Violence and revenge don't work, but don't be no fool either. I had to wait on the Lord, many a day, to get this book right and see all the, foolish, flaws in  my work. I am not a friendly cat when I've been embarrassed, so imagine how I'd feel if I knew I was the one who  messed up. And that tennis match---omg, did I get that wrong  and muff it up, the first twenty times? Yes I did.
   You'll never ever hear a peep out me, I promise. I am now and officially, forever, a firm believer in editing and proofing by a total stranger out of reach of my opinion and thoughts, preferably a copy-editor. It is worth the money to find a proofer or editor to edit your work. Need I say more? Even the cover title was a hefty fat issue, while I dealt with all the legal stuff you must do to protect your hard work from poachers. I could have published two books by now if it wasn't for some people, I don't care to mention, and my own bad call decision to edit my book after leaving it in the drawer for three months
     Take it from me, and every other author who imagines  they can do it all and turn out a book they are proud of, alone. Don't do it alone, Remember, you're the author and captain of the book, not the chief cook and bottle washer. Let others help you get it right, and find people who bid on doing the work, so you can write the stories that make the whole world want to read. 
Don't be afraid to ask for help, and  find folks who know the business of proofing, editing and marketing, pay them and be my grandmother always said, for small  and large favors.
    Here is the final draft and this is it's cover.

Stay In Touch, Coming in June, Animal - Object Cars

KidSmart Books, is a subsidiary of the KidSmart Fdn. Registered (TM) KidSmart, The Children's Workshop/Craftshop,1985. Illustrations by T.McK.(P) 2002-2015, Copyright(s)1985-2015, GACM, Inc.

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