Kidsmart Book Publishing

Kidsmart Book Publishing
Great Start !

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

 Write the Children's Book You Want to Read To Your Children :  
 "Goodie Goodie Gumdrops, The Benefits Of Play" Book cover # 2

 (the Hook).

    When author Toni Morrison was asked  why her book "Song Of Solomon" won the Pulitzer Prize in fiction, and how she became such a prolific writer, she said, "Because I write the books I want to read." (indirect quote) Notice that she didn't say, I don't know, or do you really think so. She also said, Thank you. Here is an author who knows what she is doing and is comfortable with her craft.

     Just like the manuscript of a book is a work in progress, so is the book cover. The right book cover matters and can and does determine the reception  a well scripted book receives. For instance, did  you know that Smashwords requires that your book be uploaded with a DPI's of 1400 x 1200 or greater pixels (minimum)? According to book cover experts on Blurb, Amazon, and Create Space, among a few, book covers, sell  books along with the first chapter or first twenty pages of the first chapter.
     It's called the "hook" and the concept of the "HOOK" must work, because the last four book reviewers I sent a book  to for a review, all commented on being drawn into the story- line based on intriguing prose of the first TEN pages or more. They needed to know that the author knew his genre/ craft and the story-line well enough to write the story without reservations, lags,  and pauses in the premise. It's okay to daydream, it allows you to plan, pan, and sort out the kinks in your novel.
     So what we need to draw from that observation - as the author - is children want to be entertained as well as educated when they read a book, no matter what genre. They want to have fun, and  they want to be surprised by the plot and ultimate ending. They want to find it hard to put the book down - even after the call for Lights Out.
    The most important compliment to an author of children's literature is when a parent says, ' My child liked that book so much, I read it to them all the time, when they were growing up...over and over'. Another compliment is:' I had to buy another copy of ---, because my child wore the book out and the pages were falling apart'. That is the essence of a successful book and compliment  about a book you wrote, whether it was a best seller or not. So remember, take your time and write the book you want to read, over and over, again.
    They're are books called Classics that have never gone out of print once they were published, can you name a few?

Our target date for the release of  "G G Gumdrops, The Benefits of Play" is, late, December, 2015, in the e-book formats or late January, 2016.

Stay Tuned!
Kidsmart Book Publishing

KidSmart Books, is a subsidiary of the KidSmartFdn. Registered (TM) KidSmart, The Children's Workshop/Craftshop,1985 - 2015. GACM, Inc.
Disclosure in accordance with FTC, 16 CFR, part 255. All books Reviewed are obtained for the sole purpose of providing a book review for the author or Publisher. Tattle Tale is the registered Imprint of KSBP.  All Rights accordance with the 1976 copyright laws.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

WHAT IF: Marketing Your Book for All the Right Age Groups

   What If you just finished your book and now you must figure out the best way to market that book and who your target audience should be. Chances are, if you look at the different Publishing Houses, you will find that they all have a different slant on what age group your book belongs in and who your target audience is. I just finished my screenplay/manuscript, and I realized something, very strange about this book
 This book, titled "Goodie Goodie Gumdrops" has a very broad audience. It is a graphic novel that can pass for a children's picture book, and the subject matter will attract an age group up to their teens and even YAs. That's quite a range and  stretch. I wouldn't know how to market such a book when my audience is six to twenty-six you say. Well look at it this way.
   Of course I could suggest, in my marketing spill, that the child reader read the book with a YA person or a parent. There's no profanity in the book so it's fine in that category, too. I know teens still love to skateboard, but haven't seen many twenty year old's skateboarding - I don't think. The book's subject matter is comical, so that will work for any age group. There's food for thought and funny situations that are addressed and need to be understood by a kids as well as adults, in the book, and so a young adult, person should find the book to be readable and entertaining for his /her age group.

     I wrote six and up on the front cover and  six to twenty-six on the back cover synopsis /profile for "GOODIE-GOODIE GUMDROPS". I also.wrote on the Consider page (Intro) about how it's subject matter would sway a broad audience, and a description that I hoped a lot of people - of different ages would relate to and find entertaining.. When the book comes out in December 2015  or late Ianuary 2016, let me know what you think.

     Now take a look at book cover A, because I've created three.Write a comment about the book covers, over the next three months, and whoever writes the best comment receives a free copy of the book when it comes out. 
    Hey  I'll free copy to the two best comments, for Book Cover A- B or C. Now answer my question.

Book Cover A:


KidSmart Book Publishing is a subsidiary of the KidSmart Fdn. KidSmart, The Children's Workshop/Craftshop,1985-.2015 Copyright2015

Disclosure in accordance with FTC, 16 CFR, part255.
All books are obtained for the sole purpose of providing a book review.
 All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Nick's Very First Day of Baseball

When a television sportscaster asked Babe Ruth how it felt to be struck out, Babe Ruth said, 'It makes me want to hit more Home-Runs'.

    About  a week ago I read a children's book about baseball. This was the first baseball, instructional book I'd ever read. The book was written by a baseball coach, turned author,  named +Kevin Christofora. The title of the book is  "Nick's Very First Day of Baseball." The book was written for children between the ages of three  and seven (3-7). I call that age group, the "Sponges" because they absorb everything and want to know everything, ASAP and right now.

    But  Coach Kevin, a seasoned  coach and smart author, gave the Sponges a lesson in baseball. Take a deep breath, watch the (instructional) ball in the corner, have fun, and learn a thing or two, simply. It takes years to become a Babe Ruth, Willie Mays, Mickey Mantel or a Jackie Robinson.

    Consequently, the book was simple, fresh, and good for all our young readers: nephews, nieces, son's, daughters, and grandchildren. It touched all the bases, and anyone who has a kid who wants to play baseball, will buy this  book because it works and does everything it's suppose to do for the Sponges -- right now and ASAP. And there's another little plus to this book, Meet Billy Ball who helps you to understand the game of baseball. It's makes for a great fun and informative gift for a kid and there's more in the series to come.

Book two is titled "Magic Bat Day" and the team has an equal mix of boys and girls, if you know what I mean. Both books are out there, and they teach at a very regulated pace.Get It!

I predict Coach Kevin will be hitting more home runs with his kid friendly, Hometown All Stars Series that shows kids how to play the game by having fun, being a team, and learning the game without being preachy or preached to..

***** Five stars for the Hometown All Stars Series by Kevin Christofora
A picture  book, 32 pages. ISBN :  97809863493-0-0, 

Toni McKain, Book Reviewer

KidSmart Books, is a subsidiary of the KidSmartFdn. Registered (TM) KidSmart, The Children's Workshop/Craftshop, 1985-2015,    GACM, Inc..
Disclosure in accordance with FTC, 16 CFR, part 255. All books reviewed are obtained for the sole purpose of providing an, independent,book review. All Rights Reserved.

Friday, September 18, 2015

KidSmart Books: A - OK GO KART RACING. A Great Start for 2016 :...

KidSmart Books: A - OK GO KART RACING. A Great Start for 2016 :...:    The best-laid plans of mice and men are the ones you see just over the horizon. They are the ones you've been planning on  sometimes...

KidSmart Books, is a subsidiary of the KidSmartFdn. Registered (TM) KidSmart, The Children's Workshop/Craftshop,1985. Illustrations by T.McK.(P)2002-2011
Copyright(s)2002-2011, GACM, Inc. Antoinette McKain,CCO
Disclosure in accordance with FTC, 16 CFR, part255. All books are obtained for the sole purpose of providing a book review.
All Rights Reserved.

Friday, September 11, 2015

A - OK GO KART RACING. A Great Start for 2016 : Our Next Big Thing.

   The best-laid plans of mice and men are the ones you see just over the horizon. They are the ones you've been planning on  sometimes for years. You wonder what you must do to bring them to the forefront, and you decide the best way to handle this huge project is to first write about it. Next, you make sure everything's in place and then launch.
   Show people some pictures and really pump them up in expectation of a new and fantastic dream of yours that you hope they will share with you.
  Our Animal Object Karts, aka  (A-OK) Go-Karts are our next big thing in 2016.
Below is one prototype we designed four years ago. You should see how things have changed since then.
GO - KartRacing

Safety Is Always a Priority, so before you can race you have to be educated. KSBP would like to educate you on the in's and out and best practices for Go Kart racing. Our book" Animal Object Kars" is due out in 2016, but we will also recommend some great books, we like and recommend, that teach you to be the best Go-Kart Racer in your city or state -- and All Over The World.

KidSmart Book Publishing (2012)
KidSmart, The Children's Workshop/Craftshop  1985 - 2015
 Disclosure in accordance with FTC, 16 CFR, part255. All books related to this blog are obtained for the sole purpose of providing a book review or for hosting. All Rights Reserved, 2015.

Monday, July 20, 2015

KidSmart Books: Goodie Goodie Gumdrops :"Kids Play" The Power Of Play - The Art Of Playing

KidSmart Books: Goodie Goodie Gumdrops :"Kids Play" The Power Of Play - The Art Of Playing KidSmart Books, is a subsidiary of the KidSmartFdn. Registered (TM) KidSmart, The Children's Workshop/Craftshop,1985. Illustrations by T.McK.(P)2002-2011 Copyright(s)2002-2011, GACM, Inc. Antoinette McKain,CCO Disclosure in accordance with FTC, 16 CFR, part255. All books are obtained for the sole purpose of providing a book review. All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Goodie Goodie Gumdrops :"Kids Play" The Power Of Play - The Art Of Playing

When I was a child I spoke as a child, I thought as a child; I reasoned as a child, but when I grew up I put away childish things. I Corinthians 13:11

A-ah, wait a minute, no I  didn’t, I became a wo/man, but I still like to play, and now I make toys and games and all types of children’s stuff... books and games, for Kidstuff© my children’s toy company.


Kid's Play

      I Don't Want To Grow Up!

    But I did anyways, and there's no way to escape growing up, except when you take the experience of play along with you on your journey through life. When playing is fun, then, it's all good as you travel up the hill to adulthood. I played my heart out when I was child, and nobody stopped me from simply playing, and using my imagination. I made up stuff, all the time and created great imaginary characters  that I could take with me where-ever I went.  
     I Don’t Want To Grow Up comes from the animated story titled Peter Pan, about a boy who never wanted to grow up. But growing up can be just as FUN as being a kid -- if you enjoy being a kid, and no one blocks the creative juices that grow inside all of us. Now, I'm a big kid, who still likes to skateboard. ride a bike, and skateboard, and go game fishing on my computer, and read fun books, and skateboard, and fly a kite and play ping-pong, every chance I get. So I thought up Goodie Gumdrops  who like to play and meet new kids, and show you all the different ways kids, from all over the world, Play, while their growing up.
     Gumdrops will take you along, on his skateboard, so you can enjoy being a kid and playing with him, and he can make his skateboard long enough so you can ride along on the back.

    Hello, my name is Goodie Gumdrops, but my friends call me Gumdrops, for short, and I want to tell you the best kept secrets, in the world, about how to play while you enjoy being a  Pao Pao in Tagalog a garcon or june fille in French, a nino in Spanish, a nena in Greek, a Kea in Russian, a Mozorro in Euskera, a zarok in Turkey, a crian in Portugal; a kid and skateboard expert like me, so you can tell other  Ninos and Tigers and make them green with envy. There's a lot of Kidstuff going on - all over the world so let's see how much fun we can have making new childhood friends and just playing.

      I remember the time when I first started to learn to ...

Coming Soon! 
A&O Kart Racing: Animal - Object Kart/Cars.

KidSmart Books, is a subsidiary of the KidSmartFdn. Registered (TM) KidSmart, The Children's Workshop/Craftshop,1985-2015. Illustrations by T.McK.(P)2002-2015 Copyright(s)2002-2015, GACM, Inc. Antoinette Greene,CCO Disclosure in accordance with FTC, 16 CFR, part255. All books are obtained for the sole purpose of providing a book review. All Rights Reserved.

Monday, June 1, 2015

KidSmart Books: Fight With Your Mind, Not With Your Fists

KidSmart Books: Fight With Your Mind, Not With Your Fists:   Write the Prose That Makes  The Whole World Want to Read     What a refreshing thought, and that's what its going to come down t...

KidSmart Books, is a subsidiary of the KidSmartFdn. Registered (TM) KidSmart, The Children's Workshop/Craftshop,1985. Illustrations by T.McK.(P)2002-2011
Copyright(s)2002-2011, GACM, Inc. Antoinette McKain,CCO
Disclosure in accordance with FTC, 16 CFR, part255. All books are obtained for the sole purpose of providing a book review.
All Rights Reserved.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Fight With Your Mind, Not With Your Fists

  Write the Prose That Makes

 The Whole World Want to Read

    What a refreshing thought, and that's what its going to come down to for the children of the future, as well as the big kids. "Fight With Your Mind, and Not With Your Fists". Violence and revenge don't work, but don't be no fool either. I had to wait on the Lord, many a day, to get this book right and see all the, foolish, flaws in  my work. I am not a friendly cat when I've been embarrassed, so imagine how I'd feel if I knew I was the one who  messed up. And that tennis match---omg, did I get that wrong  and muff it up, the first twenty times? Yes I did.
   You'll never ever hear a peep out me, I promise. I am now and officially, forever, a firm believer in editing and proofing by a total stranger out of reach of my opinion and thoughts, preferably a copy-editor. It is worth the money to find a proofer or editor to edit your work. Need I say more? Even the cover title was a hefty fat issue, while I dealt with all the legal stuff you must do to protect your hard work from poachers. I could have published two books by now if it wasn't for some people, I don't care to mention, and my own bad call decision to edit my book after leaving it in the drawer for three months
     Take it from me, and every other author who imagines  they can do it all and turn out a book they are proud of, alone. Don't do it alone, Remember, you're the author and captain of the book, not the chief cook and bottle washer. Let others help you get it right, and find people who bid on doing the work, so you can write the stories that make the whole world want to read. 
Don't be afraid to ask for help, and  find folks who know the business of proofing, editing and marketing, pay them and be my grandmother always said, for small  and large favors.
    Here is the final draft and this is it's cover.

Stay In Touch, Coming in June, Animal - Object Cars

KidSmart Books, is a subsidiary of the KidSmart Fdn. Registered (TM) KidSmart, The Children's Workshop/Craftshop,1985. Illustrations by T.McK.(P) 2002-2015, Copyright(s)1985-2015, GACM, Inc.

Disclosure in accordance with FTC, 16 CFR, part255. All books are obtained for the sole purpose of providing a book review. All Rights Reserved.No part of this blog may be reproduced without written consent from the author.
